Monday, December 22, 2008

Winter Solstice Wedding Vows

In honor of our Anniversary of Marrying, Victor & Terra, Winter Solstice, 2004-
My wedding vows-

This is what I hope for with you~
To create a relationship together~
Renewable, sustainable
In tune with Nature & our inner natures~

~Powered by the simple daily light & breath & warmth of love
~Watered by the wellspring of our faith
~Grounded in the good earth of our shared knowledge & wisdom
~Sheltered in the spacious home of our mutual respect & meditation practice
~Purified by our awareness to be untainted by past hurts or future fears
~Heated by our passion for each other & for life
~Cooled by the freshness of our happiness & laughter
~Fed by our openness to what can grow when we cultivate goodness in our lives
~ And conserved by continual appreciation & gratitude for our good fortune.

by Terra Rafael

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