Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Prose: Rain or Drought

As most of us here in the West are moaning with our Earth about all the parched soil and plants, my thoughts turn to Arizona last winter. I got to spend a few weeks in Tucson when they were having unbelievable rains. Just the word rain sounds flowing. It’s a singing word. To be someplace where it rains all day is a constant flow of song. I was in Sabino Canyon near Tucson where storms blew in twice bringing much all-day singing.

This comfort from rain is a soul nurturer. One can go to other places by just staying inside on a rainy day. Our Earth loves and depends on this even more than we do. It was amazing to see in the desert how even the cacti greened up, seemingly most of the water going into washes, causing flooding. Its like our Mother can only allow in so much moisture, but she sings her song anyway, letting it overflow. She can’t hold on to it, no matter the consequences.

We’re waiting, here in the West, somewhat impatiently, for the next Earth’s singing. At this moment we would be oh so grateful, we will sing in the rain with her.


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