Tuesday, June 17, 2008


She came in almost bursting forth,
With her abundant energy.

Many words began to spill out of her mouth,
Beautiful words, spilling all over us.

Her words came from the heart,
But it was a slow realization on our part.

She talked of Higher Truth, much wisdom

She spoke even more of woman, sexuality,
Our ability to take it all in.

She continued to let her words pour out,
Even as we shared sustenance.

The wisest of crones, through all this,
She allowed us in to the depths of her story.

And then she dealt us a startling surprise
By dealing out $100. bills like we were
Playing a card game.

She kept dealing, to teach us one the greatest
Lesson of all, ABUNDANCE.

It was like Christmas,
And on her way out she exclaimed,


1 comment:

annette said...

That she did! I love the way you captured this experience in a poem. I have tried to write about it and have never been satisfied with my words. Good Job!