Thursday, May 22, 2008

Writing Prompt = an experience in a sacred place...

September 1998. I am in Peru, in an area known as the Valley of the Gods. My group has spent the night in a marvelous white washed compound; a welcome relief after four days of camping and hiking the Inca Trail. I went out into the yard in the new dawn ~ things were very quiet all around me. I needed some space and yet was at a loss at what to do with myself. I surveyed my surroundings; it was naked dirt, very sparse grass.

Back behind the house, I wandered the yard asking to be shown a welcoming place. Ahh, I gently laid face down. I pulled my shirt up and my slacks down ~ navel to navel with the earth. I began breathing out all the negative aspects of my body/mind/soul ~~ letting it seep through my belly button into the welcoming warmth of the magnificent pacha mama, as our mother earth is known here. I felt tiny pangs of guilt. I do not wish to sully the earth mother with my “bad negative” energy, but I remind myself to let it go. I have been taught that, energetically speaking, the universe does not differentiate between “good” or “bad”; to the universe it is all just energy. So wise.
And then I heard these words:

“Teach and be taught.

Love and be loved.

Trust and let go.”

So simple, so sweet. I feel nurtured, so a part of this place ~ as if I do truly belong here on earth. An awesome strength flows through my body. I am capable. I can SEE a blue steely cord of strength flowing continuously along my spine. I slowly come to acknowledge this part of myself. It is ME. When I leave this marvelous country, my blue rod of strength will go with me. I AM it. My heart pulses with purpose as a wave of gentleness and compassion washes over me. I am cocooned in a nurturing yellow white light. I breathe in LOVE.

I sit up ~ filled with wonder,
I pray my thankfulness for this experience,
I embrace and step into my warrior princess;

so STRONG …….. that I can be soft .
* annette.

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