Saturday, July 19, 2008

Prose: Labyrinth

We walk near each other, sometimes almost meeting, almost touching, almost looking at each other, but then the turn comes and we move away. We are separated by imaginary demarcations, sort of lines in the sand.. but here they are painted lines in a church basement where a labyrinth has been drawn.

It’s so like life. How we come near each other, sometimes walking parallel in paths near each other, but perhaps never the same. One path will veer off in a turn down another street while yours takes you clear across the way into new territory.

I marvel at this as I watch the other women, sisters in spirit, walk near me, parallel each other, as they allow the labyrinth to walk them through whatever question or idea they entered with.

For many years, I’ve looked at the labyrinth as a map of the convolutions of the brain, moving through the lobes, skimming from one hemisphere to the other and back again. Then one arrives at the center, seeking solution.

As I sit in the middle when I get there to see what it has for me, I hear the near-silent rustle of clothing and movement of feet as the other women continue their path inward toward the center.

This day I feel it’s not so much a solution I’m seeking as much as a cleaning out of those brain lobes where judgments and opinions reside, where doubts and insecurities brew. And my intention is to clean all that out. To loosen the gray matter and allow room for new patterns of thing and being, I keep walking, one foot in front of the other. My eyes are looking down in a soft gaze, as I look within myself, footstep by footstep around the circular maze.


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