Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Prose - Differences

As I casually mentioned that our granddaughters were Aquarians, being two days apart, my sister-in-law said “Would you not talk about that, and I won’t talk about my stuff.” I was ok with that at the time, definitely not wanting to be proselytized to about her religion. But the more I’ve thought about it the more it disturbed me. “ Well then why think about it”, another part of me says. The glitch for me is when I’m finally becoming who I really am, expressing my ideas and thoughts more freely, to be squelched in that way is unsettling. Why can’t we discuss our differences?? Why do we get defensive in these situations? Everyone seems to want to stay on a superficial level of expression. That’s not who I am, that’s not who I even want to try to be. Opening up to my true nature has been a lifetime of strenuous effort for me, and now at this time in my life it’s a strain to hold back.

This seems to be the energy of the whole world, learning to come together in our differences. It is part of what the new consciousness is all about. It has never happened in the history of the earth. Mankind has always fought about their dissimilarities and strong convictions. But now in the new millenium we have the opportunity for newality. This means an unfamiliar afresh way for us humans to be on our planet. Many are resistant and are dying off. Those who are left are slowly, in tiny steps, gaining an openness in these very different and expansive ways of being.

I understand at the time I was being challenged to say my truth, the planets were creating these characteristics big-time. Mars opposing Neptune, wanting us to bring into form what we really believe to be true. And with Uranus going retrograde it brings us a zest for freedom of self-expression, a need to fully express oneself no matter what the obstacles and applied limitations are. This helps me to recognize the importance of sharing my thoughts at this moment of my history.


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