Sunday, July 13, 2008

Memoirs: My First Catch

Memoirs: My First Catch

I am apprenticing with a midwife, Gena, and we have been called to a birth in the mountains. I get there first and then another lady who is there to help. Gena and I have been working together for several months and I am feeling confident. Labor is progressing quickly and I am in the kitchen, getting the supplies set up and in order. Someone calls me that the baby is coming and I run into the adjacent living room. A pearlescent bubble of the amniotic sack emerges from the mother’s vagina and the baby’s head floats into it. What an amazing sight! I quickly pop the membranes and remove them from the baby’s face so he can breathe without inhaling amniotic fluid.

This is my first catch, an experience never to forget!

Prema Rose

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