Sunday, June 20, 2010

The Last Blog

The Last Blog

Well, it falls to me to write the last blog for a Week’s Worth of Women, as we have known it. Since writing our “Food and What Feeds Us” book together last fall, our week has slowly been diminishing in the representation of the days, until the few of us left have decided to take a hiatus.

I would like to say what this time, with these women, has meant to me and acknowledge this remarkable input of talented voices that we have listened to, cried with, laughed with, and most of all, honored during these years of meeting every week to share our stories. I wish to thank Jyoti for holding our space and encouraging our creativity throughout the dry or juicy moments of laying down our thoughts and reminiscences. Whether the words came easily or not, in the search of the perfect expression, we learned to offer our creativity without judgment or disclaimers. How amazed we would be at the caliber of writing that emerged.

For me personally, I wish to thank each of you for carrying me in your love through one of the hardest transitions in my life. You listened to my heart words, you were my sounding board, you put up with my political rantings, and stood with me in showers of blessings. I love each of you and am so grateful to have walked this length of the path with you. We have grown together, our innermost gut feelings intertwining, until we became one entity, “A Week’s Worth of Women”, in blog and book.

May our journeys be blessed as we morph into another identity. May our endeavors hold the power that we gained from each other. We are strong together and carry that strength into the stories that are coming. I want to hear them all as they spill out of us in a fountain of expression. We are courageous women, taking on the ability to put ourselves out to the world whatever may. We stand as an example to all people that their stories and their lives have value and cry for the telling.

As we know, nothing is ever lost.

Prema Rose

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