Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Prose - Mint Omelette

Several years ago in Abiquiu, N.M. I taught an all day yoga and Jin Shin Jyutsu class. Since everyone was coming a distance to attend the class, I suggested a pot luck lunch. They all brought something delicious, but there was one contribution I particularly remember well and still taste in my memory.
One of the participants, Jean, a Frenchman, brought a cold mint omelette. I thought, a COLD MINT OMELETTE! Sitting around all morning, it couldn’t be good by lunch time. Well, I am telling you now, that was one of the best omelettes I’ve ever tasted. Maybe it wouldn’t be so good when the weather is cooler, but for a hot summer day, it was perfect. The truth of the matter is we really wanted more, it was that good. No cheese involved, just mint, I don’t even remember if it was spearmint or peppermint, and eggs, a little seasoning. Experiment, try it out, you may even find another herb you like better. But its hard to beat mint for summertime cooling. And to think an omelette can have a longer life than we ever imagined.

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