Tuesday, May 19, 2009

A Child's Clothes

I was an only child, maybe more appropriately I was my Mother’s only doll. At the time of course, I didn’t realize this was the theme. I was usually cleaned and dressed twice a day. My Mom loves to boast that my best friend’s Mom next door would say when Jane and I played together, she always came home dirty, while I was still clean. I played in the dirt, climbed trees, rode my tricycle, rarely did the dirt cling to me. Skinned knees were more my thing.
My Mom is an incredible seamstress. She put so much energy into making me beautiful dresses. They were made from organdy or fine cotton batiste with lace and tucks and puffy sleeves. There were pinafores with eyelet and then pique fabrics, which has made a comeback after leaving us for so many years. Then the patent leather Mary Janes in white or black, just the right socks, even the panties were special. Were we wealthy? No, it was just the opposite.
So I would play hard in the mornings, but after naptime or by mid-afternoon, it was time to get cleaned up and dressed again. After all, Daddy was coming home and we had to look refreshed. This was a lot about living in the south in the summertime before air-conditioning.
I wish I could remember when all this stopped. I’m sure starting school was part of it. My Mom going to work was another piece. I feel there’s also another deeper aspect, maybe our dreams change as we lose control of how we thought things would be.

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