Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Beyond Words

After the words stop,
then what?
Do we enter the space akin to what animals live in?
or something better?
Do we hear or know our Divine Self?
Do we rest in peace
a saying usually saved and praised for the dead.
Are not words what takes us to that ledge?
All those pathways of thoughts
made of words
footsteps that lead
us to what lies just outside of their reach.
They capture glimpses of our experiences.
They might shed light or delight
they walk us deeper into ourselves or way far in the distance
to the past…or the present.
But when its all said……ALL…all the stories have been told,
then where do we go?
beyond the words to a space and place
reserved and waiting. That pool of indescribable
that words can only point to…lead you to.
Where we all emerged
Peace beyond words
Where we all know
we will return to, do return to,
can choose to return to.

I’ll meet you there.

1 comment:

A Week's Worth of Women said...

Okay, I'll meet you there. Thank you. Kappy