Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Writing- How To Avoid Writing In A Good Way

How To Avoid Writing In A Good Way

Sunday.  I kiss Mother goodbye, wave to my brother, and jump in the car for the long road trip home.   Passing through the gate I give a whoop.  I am so ready to be home.   The last three days of storms have left twelve inches of new snow on the winter’s accumulation here in southwestern Montana.  I correctly guess it will be extreme adventure driving the first ten miles downhill.  No bars on my cell phone this side of the hill.   Could be a bit of a walk should I slide off the road… there are people who pay big bucks for this kind of adventure I tell myself.  Maybe I should write this up.  Good idea.

Monday.  I am driving, no writing but I think of  various articles I might write.  Great subjects… none of which I will recall later.  But they were good enough that I congratulate myself at my cleverness as I stopped for gas in Chugwater, Wyoming.  I even considered taking a break to write those fantastic titles down…  I did consider doing that.

Tuesday.  Home and time to catch up.  Email, phone messages, groceries, unpack, laundry, walk the dog, cook a nice dinner to share with Jim so we can reconnect …  Two days and 900 miles have caught up with me…I need rest tonight.

Wednesday. My friend, Myrna comes to work on the flyer for our workshop.  That’s writing, isn’t it? It is!  It is!  I wrote today.  The realization gives me a buzz until I realize I left out a vital piece of information… after sending it out.  Bummer.

Thursday morning.  Maybe I’ll write today after I finish unpacking.  Huh, maybe not.  This is the day I volunteer at my grandchildren’s school in Denver.  I am so tired by the time I get home I crash.

Friday morning.  I think I’ll write before the grandkids come for the weekend.  I actually thought I might do that. 

Saturday.   Watching my grandchildren the back corner of my mind is working words around pictures I see in my mind.  It never stops.  I wish I could write what I perceive it in my mind’s eye.  I’ll give it a shot tomorrow morning after they leave.

Sunday.  Hummmmm…

Monday. I have cleaned up the kitchen, tidied the living room, swished out the bathroom, and cleared up the residue of grandchildren.  I look at my pristine house.  I am ready to write.  Cup of coffee in hand I sit down.  I have a whole hour.  Wow. 

How do I start?  Where is that list Jyoti gave us?  Wait.  Did I take my vitamins this morning?      Okay, deep breath, close my eyes and let it come.   Just let it come.  Let it come.  

Maybe my journal will give me some ideas.  Hang on there.  What am I doing on a beautiful day like this with my eyes shut?  I should be out walking or working in the garden… enjoying the sunshine…   Breath deeply.     Quiet down.     Uh, oh, I am pretty sure that I did not take my fish oil with breakfast.  Stop this!  Breath!  And make it deep! 

Write, Jesse, write.  This is what you want, isn’t it?  Time to write?   C’mon.  Let’s go!

                                                                                from Jesse